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  • The Best UX Podcasts For 2021 (Updated)

The best UX podcasts keep us up to date with everything on user experience and design trends. Listening to several great podcasts can help us build better products while we aim to creatively solve the problems that our users face.

We at Userpeek believe that listening to UX design podcast can help designers stay inspired. UX design is continually evolving and listening to several experienced and known leaders in UX design can help us become better at what we do and can get us out of our comfort zones in terms of UX design.

Having said that, the team collected the The Best UX Podcasts For 2021 to help you stay updated and innovated in your product design and UX design journey.

User Defenders

Hosted by Jason Ogle

UX Designer Leader | Follow: Twitter 

Jason was a UX designer since 1996. One of his achievements was working as a designer for Tim Berners-Lee. He started the podcast site out of passion and the whole idea was inspired by his love for design and technology. Jason wanted to also help others be inspired and be enlightened by the ever-changing UX industry. 

About the podcast

The podcast promotes both professional and starting UX designers, with an aim to highlight the experts in the field of UX- knowing who they are and what makes them successful. Diving deeper into what it takes to become a great UX designer, the podcast also aims to inspire young UX designers to do the same.

Releases new episodes twice a month. 

Topics covered

The podcast caters to leaders in UX who can be great storytellers with insatiable passion for empathy and design. The podcast includes discussion on the guest’s journey, tapping on a well-documented user experience verified through blogs, websites, and links. The topics impart knowledge for everyone with high vulnerability, authenticity, and transparency.  

Where to listen/subscribe

Website | Apple Podcast | Spotify | Android | Google Podcast

Beyond Users

Hosted by Alen Faljic

Business Designer | Follow: Twitter

Alen is a business designer and the Founder and CEO of d.MBA. He believes in the balance of design and business, where good design should always equal good business.

About the podcast

The podcast tackles on design, which particularly aims at business and sales. The goal is to inform designers to use design in solving business challenges with the user in mind. 

Releases a new episode once a month. 

Topics covered

The podcast promotes business empathy and tackles the responsibilities and roles of a designer and to develop their skills and capabilities towards business.

Where to listen/subscribe

Website | Apple Podcast | Overcast | Stitcher | Spotify | CastBox | Google Play

Writers In Tech

Hosted by Yuval Keshtcher

CEO/Founder UX Writing Hub | Follow: Twitter

Founded the UX Writing Hub, which is a website for UX writing resources.

About the podcast

A podcast where content strategist, UX writers, and content designers share their well-kept industry secrets.

Releases a new episode once a month. 

Topics covered

This podcast features interviews with various UX writers and authors around the globe from prominent organizations like Kickstarter, Waze, Google, Intuit and more.

Where to listen/subscribe

Player | Spotify | SimpleCast

Creative Pep Talk

Hosted by Andy J. Miller

Illustrator | Follow: Twitter

Andy is a full-time freelance illustrator with a background in graphic design. He also manages side projects and books and is known for his works lile “Indie Rock Coloring Book”, “The Collaborative Color Me _ _ _ _ Exhibit with Andrew Neyer”, and the Daily Drawing Project NOD.

About the podcast

Andy believes in the balance between art and business. The podcast is a monologue about helping people strive to be creative through analogies, personal stories, and interviews. 

Releases a new episode every Wednesday. 

Topics covered

The podcast is for creative entrepreneurs and freelancers who want to be continuously inspired by design.

Where to listen/subscribe

Website | SoundCloud

Userpeek Talks

Userpeek Talks

Hosted by Tina Banerjee

Co-Founder/CEO BrainPath And Userpeek| Follow: Twitter

Tina started her career working for a start-up eCommerce company. She worked her way up as a creative director of Spotcap and also became the head of the UX and design at Chefkoch. 

Currently, she is the CEO and co-founder of BrainPath and Userpeek. 

About the podcast

Userpeek Talks hosts some of the world's most interesting people in the user experience, SaaS, digital and marketing industries. 

Releases a new episode 4x a month.

Topics covered

Discussion on the best design and drive the best and most successful products and business models.

Where to listen/subscribe

Anchor | Spotify |  Breaker | Google Podcast | RadioPublic 

ShopTalk Show

Hosted by Dave Rupert & Chris Coyier

Dave | Developer| Follow: Twitter

Dave is a lead developer at Paravel. He is based in Austin with his two wonderful kids.

Chris | Co-founder of CodePen | Follow: Twitter

Chris is a web designer and developer and the person behind CSS-Tricks. He also co-found CodePen, which is a social development platform for front end designers and developers.

About the podcast

ShopTalk is a podcast on everything that has to do with front end web design and UX.

Releases a new episode every Monday. 

Topics covered

Anything about front end web design and UX topics.

Where to listen/subscribe

Website | iTunes

UX & Growth Podcast

Hosted by Austin Knight

Lead Designer | Follow: Twitter

Austin works in Google, particularly on the Chrome design. He also worked as lead UX in HubSpot.

About the podcast

This podcast is entirely non profit and independent. The content is very high-quality without any advertisements. 

Releases a new episode once a month. 

Topics covered

This is sit down discussion with Austin's friends around the world on UX and growth tactics.

Where to listen/subscribe

Website  | Apple Podcast | Google Podcast

Design Notes

Hosted by Liam Spradlin

Visual Designer | Follow: Twitter

Liam is the editor of Project Phoebe and Design Notes Podcast

About the podcast

This podcast is a cooperative effort by a group of designers, writers, and developers at Google.

Releases a new episode once a month. 

Topics covered

The podcast is a collection of different topics on design by different experts in the field of design and development. It also features the stories and journeys of the designers at Google.

Where to listen/subscribe

Apple Podcast  | Pocket Casts | Deezer | TuneIn | Stitcher | Spotify

UI Breakfast

Hosted by Jane Portman

Co-founder of Userlist | Follow: Twitter

Jane is the co-founder of Userlist. She podcasts, blogs, and writes books on UI/UX product strategies.

About the podcast

This is a podcast for UI/UX product strategies for SaaS companies. 

Releases a new episode weekly. 

Topics covered

Aside from UI/UX topics, the podcast covers conference, webinar and podcast promotions. It also accommodates interviews and product promotions for companies.

Where to listen/subscribe

Website | iTunes | Stitcher

Design MBA

Hosted by Jayneil Dalal

Design Instructor | Follow: Twitter

Jayneil a design instructor in Dallas, Texas. 

About the podcast

This podcast is a no cost MBA program for designers, where topics on business and product design is discussed. 

Releases a new episode one or twice a month. 

Topics covered

The podcast covers topics for product designers who are interested to launch their own business ventures.

Where to listen/subscribe

Website | Apple Podcast | Listen Notes | Spotify

Design Life

Hosted by Charli Prangley & Femke van Schoonhoven

Charli | Marketing Design Lead| Follow: Twitter

Charli is a YouTuber and designer at ConvertKit

Femke | Product Designer| Follow: Twitter

Femke is a designer at Uber. She also runs a YouTube channel on product design.

About the podcast

This is a podcast about design and on side projects for creators. 

Releases a new episode weekly. 

Topics covered

Hosted by two women designers, the podcast tackles on conversational topics about design and also taps on issues that young designers constantly face. 

Where to listen/subscribe

Pocket Casts | iTunes | Overcast | Spotify

99% Invisible

Hosted by Roman Mars

Co-founder of RadioTopia | Follow: Twitter

Roman is the founder and creator of 99% Invisible and also one of the founding members of RadioTopia, which is a podcast network known for cutting-edge podcasts.

About the podcast

99% Invisible is about everything that we do not think about and the things that remain unnoticed, which specifically points to architecture and design.

Releases a new episode 2x or 3x a month. 

Topics covered

This podcast is one of the most popular podcasts on iTunes. It covers and explores topics that shows the power of design and architecture and how it affects our lives.

Where to listen/subscribe

Website | iTunes | RadioPublic


Hosted by Patrick Faller

Managing Director & Entrepreneur | Follow: Twitter

Patrick is a writer and editor for articles, blogs, and videos about creative tools. He is also an award-winning journalist and currently coordinates with Adobe and other companies in tech.

About the podcast

This podcast covers and discusses topics on user experience design and hot it helps in technology. This podcast is perfect for UX/UI designers, graphic designs, and design enthusiasts.

Releases a new episode 3x a month. 

Topics covered

The topics include design, user experience, and technology. It helps UX specialists and designers better understand how design in tech affects our daily lives.

Where to listen/subscribe

Website | iTunes | Spotify | Google Podcast

Ramblings Of A Designer

Hosted by Laszlo Lazuer & Terri Rodriguez-Hong

Laszlo | UX Developer at Indeed | Follow: LinkedIn

Laszlo is a front-end developer at Indeed.

Terri | Designer | Follow: LinkedIn

Terri is a staff designer at Visa.

About the podcast

This podcast merges the worlds of design and development featuring interviews with credible and inspiring designers as well as insightful article discussions on the latest design topics.

Releases a new episode weekly. 

Topics covered

The topics are about latest graphic design news from around the web. It also covers portfolio reviews with a guest designer from the industry, a front-end engineer, and a recruiter so listeners can hear feedback from multiple, important viewpoints.

Where to listen/subscribe

Website | Apple Podcast | Stitcher | Listen Notes

Users Know

Hosted by Laura Klein

Author of UX for Lean Startups and Build Better Products | Follow: Twitter

Laura is a podcaster and the author of Build Better Products and UX Lean Startups. 

About the podcast

This podcast is good for beginners in UX.

Releases a new episode 3x a month. 

Topics covered

The topics include UX research, product management and lean startups.

Where to listen/subscribe

Website | iTunes

the crazy one

Hosted by Stephen Gates

Designer & Podcaster | Follow: Twitter

Stephen is an award-winning designer. He is currently the Chief Design Head of InVision

About the podcast

The podcast is created and inspired out of the real experiences of Stephen Gates.

Releases a new episode once to 2x a month. 

Topics covered

The podcast provides insights to become more creative, to become a better leader, to become more innovative, and build better relationships with clients.

Where to listen/subscribe

Website | iTunes | Spotify | Stitcher | Overcast | Pocketcasts

Design Details

Hosted by Brian Lovin & Marshall Bock

Brian| Mobile Apps Designer| Follow: Twitter

Brian is a mobile app designer at GitHub.

Marshall | Design Lead| Follow: Twitter

Marshall is the design lead of YouTube Gaming

About the podcast

This podcast features all discussion on the design process, where it promotes the right tools and culture of constant learning and improvement among the developers and designers community.

Releases a new episode daily. 

Topics covered

The podcast is one of the top-rated podcasts when it comes to content resources for developers and UX designers. The topics vary to support every stage of the designer’s and developer’s career.

Where to listen/subscribe

Website | iTunes | Castro | Breaker | Overcast  

UX Podcast

Hosted by James Royal-Lawson & Per Axbom

James| UX Designer & Analytics| Follow: Twitter

James is a designer, web analyst and optimizer. He also runs a consultancy project for small and large companies. 

Per| UX Designer| Follow: Twitter

Per is a designer, coach, and visual explainer. He also runs consultancy projects with specialties on booking systems, search tools, and citizen services.

About the podcast

The podcast is for people whose passions are on business, technology, and digital media. The goal of this podcast is to produce conversational topics beyond the traditional user experience.

Releases a new 2x monthly.  

Topics covered

The topics range from link show, guest show, topic show, and event show.

Where to listen/subscribe

Website | iTunes | Spotify | Google Play | Android

High Resolution

Hosted by Bobby Ghoshal & Jared Erondu

Bobby| Head Designer| Follow: Twitter

Bobby is the creator of High Resolution and co-found Live Candid.

Jared| Head Designer| Follow: Twitter

Together with Bobby, Jared co-found High Resolution. He is the head of design in Lattice HQ and the co-founder of Playbook.

About the podcast

The podcast ran on limited edition series about product design and design thinking.  It filmed 25 episodes featuring 25 experts in the industry.

Topics covered

The podcast tackles the following: 

  • How to discuss the function and value of design, within your organization, with non-designers and business leaders in order to drive investment in people and process.
  • How to instill a design culture in your business through small experiments that drive results.
  • How to include stakeholders in your design process and progress.
  • How to generate confidence in your team and others as they engage problems using the design process.

Where to listen/subscribe

Website | iTunes | YouTube

Experience Design with Tony Daussat

Hosted by Tony Daussat

Design Strategist | Follow: Twitter

Tony started to like design at a very young age. He got into branding that led him to designs, which led him to UX. He is now a lead design strategist at Bottle Rocket.

About the podcast

The podcast is all about design and how it affects people’s lives. The goal of the podcast is to take action and be inspired in the career and business aspects of design.

Releases a new episode once a week. 

Topics covered

The podcast provides actionable insights from the host through thought-provoking solo shows, expert interviews, leadership, marketing, and business.

Where to listen/subscribe

iTunes | Spotify | Stitcher

Mary Ann Dalangin

About the author

A content marketing strategist and a UX writer with years of experience in the digital marketing industry.

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